Sustainability Secretariat



UANL Annual Sustainability Report

Within the framework of the celebration of the ninetieth anniversary of its foundation, the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) presents its Annual Sustainability Report, a document that shows the firm commitment of the Maximum House of Studies of the state of Nuevo León to advance with firm step in its transition process towards sustainable development.

In a world threatened by the effects of pollution, climate change and the loss of biodiversity, among others, the UANL reaffirms its commitment to be part of the solution, through excellence and education as means to transform lives and build a sustainable future.

At UANL we are convinced that excellent education not only provides knowledge, skills and competencies, but is also capable of cultivating responsible citizens committed to sustainable development. This commitment is reflected in the concrete actions that are carried out daily on university campuses in favor of sustainability, such as containing the growth of the institutional carbon footprint, promoting the efficient use of water and energy, the multiple actions carried out carried out to preserve in good condition the biological wealth that natural areas have under institutional protection, the growing student participation in environmental care and conservation actions, the promotion of education and research on sustainability issues, among many other actions that can be consulted in the report.

The implementation of all the actions described in the report allowed the UANL to continue being a reference in the field of sustainability at a national and international level, in addition to continuing to decisively support the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals promoted by the United Nations.

On the path to sustainability every small step counts. Therefore, we invite members of the university community to be part of the change, contributing with ideas, efforts and passion to build the better world that we will inherit for future generations.

For the sixth consecutive year we continue to be the most Sustainable University in Mexico!

For the third consecutive year we continue to be in the Top 20 of the Most Sustainable Universities in the World!


Consult the Sustainability Report here

