Sustainability Secretariat



The Autonomous University of Nuevo León maintains its leadership in sustainability at a national and international level for the seventh consecutive year


For the seventh consecutive year, the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) was recognized as the most sustainable Higher Education Institution in Mexico and as one of the most sustainable universities worldwide.

According to the results of the 2023 call of the UI GreenMetric World University Ranking which were announced in the early morning of December 5, 2023, the UANL managed to reach 16th place in the Ranking allowing it to remain in the select group of the most sustainable universities in the world where very high prestige institutions are located such as the universities of Wageningen and Groningen in the Netherlands, the universities of Nottingham in the United Kingdom, the universities of Trier and Bremen in Germany, the universities of California and Connecticut in the United States of America, among others. In addition to maintaining third place in North America, where it competes with prestigious universities from the United States and Canada; and additionally, maintained second place in Latin America..

Under the leadership of Dr. med. Santos Guzmán López, Rector of the UANL, the members of the university community have continued with what is established in the Institutional Development Plan 2022-2030, which has allowed us to make important contributions to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, in addition to continuing to maintain the UANL's leadership in sustainability at the national and international level in this significant year because the UANL proudly celebrates its 90th anniversary, reaffirming its unwavering commitment to excellence and education as means to transform lives and build a sustainable future.

Since its entry into the GreenMetric Ranking in 2012, the UANL has maintained a trajectory of ascent, thanks to the good results we have obtained in terms of sustainability, such as containing the growth of the institutional carbon footprint, through the efficient use of energy and water, the growing student participation in environmental care and conservation actions, the promotion of sustainable mobility on university campuses, the proper management and confinement of waste, the conservation of biodiversity on campus, the promotion of good consumer practices, the promotion of education and research on sustainability issues and the increase in adaptation and mitigation actions to climate change that we carry out from a local and global perspective.

And although there is still some way to go in the UANL's transition process towards sustainability, the results of the actions undertaken in recent years have been very encouraging, which is why we reaffirm our commitment to building a more just, sustainable and inclusive world.

We thank all the members of the university community who work daily to make the goal of moving towards a sustainable way of life possible!
