Sustainability Secretariat



The UANL holds the 2nd Meeting of Student Associations Linked to Sustainability Issues

The Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) recognizes members of the university community, especially students, as agents of change capable of transforming the environment that surrounds them, which is why there is a great commitment to providing its students with a quality education with a focus on sustainability, both formal and non-formal, and it is precisely in this last category where the actions directed to promote the formation of student groups are included, since students who decide to get involved in a student association suffer positive changes in the personal, social and academic spheres, acquiring a series of skills, such as teamwork, leadership, problem solving, and critical thinking, obtaining a greater sense of responsibility and belonging, which is projected in the classrooms with a better academic performance, favorable elements to enhance their professional development.

In this context, and within the framework of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the highest house of studies in the state of Nuevo León, the UANL Sustainability Secretariat, through the Project Development Directorate, carried out the Second Meeting of Student Associations Linked to Sustainability Topics, which took place on September 6, 2023 in the “Alfonso Rangel Guerra” auditorium of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UANL.

The event aimed to generate a space of expression for students enrolled at the UANL who are part of student associations linked to sustainability issues, in order to publicize the activities they carry out to support the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDG), in addition to promoting the exchange of ideas and projects between student associations.

The opening ceremony included the participation of Dr. med. Santos Guzmán López, Rector of the UANL, Dr. Francisco Javier Treviño Rodríguez, director of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Dr. Sergio Fernández Delgadillo, Secretary of Sustainability (SS) of the UANL, M.A.I. Luis Rolando Hernández Salazar, Director of Student Activities of the UANL and Dr. Carlos Ramírez Martínez and Director of Project Development, SS-UANL.

Around 11:10 a.m., Dr. Francisco Javier Treviño Rodríguez, director of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, host of the event, expressed his pleasure that this Faculty has been chosen to host this important academic event, in addition to mentioning some of the activities. that during his administration have been carried out on sustainability issues, such as the formation of the student group “Filo Verde”, the granting of a physical space in the faculty facilities as the headquarters of said association and the planting of an emblematic tree, as a symbol of communication between the different schools that make up the university unit.

Next, a video was presented showing the activities carried out by the UANL in favor of sustainability in which different actors in university life have participated over time, especially students, through various linked associations. to sustainability issues.

At the conclusion of the projection of the institutional video, Dr. Carlos Ramírez mentioned that some of the activities carried out with the student associations have managed to transcend beyond the borders of the university campuses, being replicated by other educational institutions in Nuevo León and also in national level, in addition to having become public policy actions by public institutions, as is the case of the Conferences on Recovery of Natural Environments in Urban Areas, los Inventories and Forest Management Plans of University Agencies and the course of Training of Leaders Promoters of Sustainability.

Immediately, Dr. Ramírez Martínez gave way to the participation of the following student associations:

  • Filo Verde, Adrián Fernando Meléndez and Alex Martínez
  • Univerde, Ximena de la Garza and Talia Linneth Willis
  • Medicina Sustentable, Andrea Marisol Lugo Treviño

At the conclusion of the intervention by the representative of Sustainable Medicine, Dr. med. Santos Guzmán López, Rector of the UANL, gave a message, in which he thanked the actions carried out by the university community that contribute to placing the UANL as the most sustainable university in Mexico and belonging to the group of the 15 universities plus universities at the global according to the GreenMetric World University Rankings; which shows that all educational actors can participate in the formation of a sustainable university. In addition to offering support to the university community to participate in events or actions worldwide that promote Sustainable Development.

The event continued with presentations carried out by representatives of the following student associations:

  • Rescate Preparatoria 9, Emily Natalia Flores
  • Club de Ecología Preparatoria 8, Sofía Marely y Jesús Jasso
  • Animalia, Alfredo Castilleja
  • Ecoquímica, Gerardo Felipe Palacios y Alma Lucero Arredondo
  • Entorno Verde, Carmen Hernández
  • Capítulo Estudiantil AWWA Sección México, Marian Alejandra Alvarado
  • UANL Construye, Alondra Yamileth Flores
  • FAEN Sustentable, Juan Martínez Palacios y Evelyn Treviño
  • FAE Sustentable, Andrea García y Daniela Alejandra Rivera
  • Asociación Universitaria del Reciclaje (FARQ), Ximena González y Dafne Pérez
  • Abeja Sustentable, Aldo Manuel Ramírez y Ana Lucía Rangel
  • Políticas Verde, Liliana Sofía Del Ángel
  • Arsafe, Angie Ramírez y Alex Roth
  • FIME Verde, Emiliano Covarrubias y Rubí Alejandra Pérez
  • Federación Estudiantil de Mujeres, Natalia Múzquiz
  • CC Green Club, Lizeth Eunice García y Sofía Paola Sánchez
  • Federación Red Universitaria de Derechos Humanos – Capítulo UANL, Karla María Salguero y Alejandra Álvarez
  • Club de Ecología “Halcones”, Nicmary Mayela Ramos y Alfredo del Ángel
  • Sociedad Estudiantil de Ingeniería Ambiental, Giulianna Espinosa y Eva de los Ángeles
  • SDG Student Hub, Britney Abigail Alvarado y Rosa Soto
  • Club de Ecología Preparatoria No. 16, Galilea Martínez y Jaretzy Brissia Calverio
  • Preparatoria 7, Ivana Castillo y Camila

The closing of the event was led by Dr. Sergio Salvador Fernández Delgadillo, Secretary of Sustainability, who expressed that the student associations through the exhibitions show that they are clear about what Sustainable Development is and the actions they carry out to form a sustainable society. In addition, he invited students to get involved in solving environmental problems facing the state of Nuevo León such as climate change; as well as to learn about the UANL Annual Sustainability Report to get involved in the projects that the Maximum House of Studies carries out to be recognized as the most sustainable university in Mexico.

Finally, Dr. Mireya Sandoval Aspront, Secretary of Institutional Affairs of the FFYL UANL on behalf of Dr. Francisco Treviño, director of the Faculty, congratulated the participants of student associations linked to sustainability who share a social conscience and highlight the work of the groups whose actions become historical acts for the care of the planet, hoping that the event will have a multiplying effect and incorporate more members who promote awareness for the care of the environment.

The meeting was attended by more than 260 attendees from high schools and faculties of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, among which were: members of the 25 participating associations mentioned, the Sustainable Innovation club of High School 3, management staff of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, as well as members of the Project Development Directorate.

The work of the Meeting ended around 2:30 p.m. on the day it began, achieving the goals and objectives that were set, mainly having made known the actions and projects that the UANL student associations carry out to promote sustainability. in university environments.

By holding these types of events, the Autonomous University of Nuevo León continues to promote actions to promote the transition process towards sustainability, especially those aimed at consolidating communication networks between members of the university community and society that work in favor of of sustainability.

Thank you all for your enthusiastic participation!

