Academia para el desarrollo sustentable
University Academy for Sustainable Development
University Academy for Sustainable Development (AUDS)

The University Academy for Sustainable Development (AUDS) of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) is an initiative that aims to promote education, research and the practice of sustainability in university environments. The AUDS seeks to integrate the principles of sustainable development in all areas of academic life, thus training professionals and citizens committed to protecting the environment and social well-being.
One of the most relevant characteristics that distinguishes the AUDS is its multidisciplinary approach, since its members are recognized specialists in various areas of knowledge, such as environmental sciences, economics, sociology, engineering, among others, which allows them to address the challenges facing the promotion of sustainability from multiple perspectives, generating comprehensive solutions adapted to the complexity of current problems.
Since its creation, AUDS members have collaborated in the incorporation of values, tasks and knowledge of sustainability into the academic curriculum of the UANL. This has been achieved through the inclusion of specialized courses on topics such as climate change, natural resource management, renewable energy and sustainable development, among others. These courses are not only available to students of environmental-related careers, but are also offered as options for students of various disciplines, promoting a comprehensive and multidisciplinary education.
Additionally, AUDS plays a crucial role in promoting sustainability-oriented scientific research by encouraging research projects that address local and global environmental issues. Researchers and students have the opportunity to work on topics such as biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, sustainable water resource management, and energy efficiency. These projects not only contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge, but also generate practical and applicable solutions that can be implemented.
Another key area of the AUDS is that it functions as a driving force for change by promoting the incorporation of sustainability criteria in the planning and institutional operation of the UANL, which is reflected in the implementation of programs for proper waste management, promotion of sustainable mobility and raising awareness among the student community about the importance of sustainability in the design and operation of production models.
Each year, AUDS organises a series of events, conferences and workshops that aim to raise awareness and educate the university community and the general public about the importance of sustainability. These events offer a platform for dialogue, learning and action, inspiring participants to take concrete steps to contribute to a more sustainable future.