Sustainability Secretariat



Climate Action Program

Climate Action Program

The Climate Action Program (CAP) promoted by the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) plays a fundamental role in the fight against climate change and in the training of future generations committed to sustainability. Through the operation of this program, the UANL demonstrates that among its fundamental objectives is not only the training of human resources of the highest technical and human quality, the conduct of cutting-edge research and technological development, but also to be leader in the promotion of responsible practices towards the care and preservation of the environment.

The climate action programs promoted by the UANL include the implementation of mitigation measures such as the implementation of strategies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the efficient use of water and energy, the promotion of collective transportation and mobility. non-motorized, as well as responsible consumption and the promotion of a circular economy, among others.

The second component of CAP is made up of measures to adapt to climate change, which include the construction of sustainable buildings, the transition process towards sustainable mobility that takes place on university campuses, promoting the realization of research and innovation projects around climate change and sustainability, in addition, in a very relevant way, the work carried out to conserve in good condition the natural areas that are under the protection of the UANL.

98 % of the UANL territory is occupied by vegetation

98% of the territory occupied by the UANL facilities, more than 3,600 hectares, is covered with vegetation in good condition, which allows for a carbon sink of approximately 550 thousand tons of CO2 equivalent.

The UANL has a carbon sink of approximately 550 thousand tons of CO₂ equivalent

Being able to have a great absorption capacity for Greenhouse Gases, in addition to carrying out various mitigation and adaptation actions to climate change, allows the UANL to have a Very favorable Carbon Balance calculated at approximately 480 tons of CO2 equivalent.

In 2022, the UANL registered a positive carbon balance of approximately 480 thousand tons of carbon equivalent

Positive balance in Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) of 479,224,178 kg of CO2 equivalent.

The UANL CAP also has an impact on the communities surrounding the university campuses. By opening its doors to events, talks and workshops related to sustainability, environmental education is promoted in society. These spaces become centers of dialogue and awareness that can influence the adoption of policies at the local and national level.

A very important factor of the CAP-UANL is the contribution it makes to the fulfillment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in particular Goal 13 (Climate Action). Preparing new generations of leaders, professionals and citizens with a deep understanding of climate challenges, laying the foundations for a more sustainable and resilient future.
