Virtual community
Virtual community
Sharepoint: virtual platform of the university academy for sustainable development

The most important communication strategy of the AUDS is its digital headquarters, which was established with the aim of promoting greater and more effective communication between its members, overcoming the barriers of distance and maximizing communication resources.
The virtual platform through which AUDS operates is Share Point, a digital tool that operates under an intranet scheme, configured by the Information Technology Directorate (DTI), in which its members enter through their institutional email account and a password, which gives them access to all the tools and published content. This platform offers the following benefits to its users:
- Offer a remote collaboration and communication environment that allows the incorporation of academics regardless of their location.
- To understand and disseminate academic actions and efforts aimed at incorporating sustainable development into research and teaching.
- Store and share documents, audiovisual content and databases that support research, teaching and dissemination in the field of sustainable development.
- Establish real-time discussion forums among its members.
- Provide a directory of AUDS members and report on their activities, projects and research products, allowing other members to learn about their work and facilitating collaboration between them.
- Offer its members a calendar of activities and events related to sustainability issues.
- Issue a newsletter via institutional email, providing timely and effective information about new content and information on the platform.
- Establish procedures for monitoring activities among its members, such as completing biannual surveys, in order to learn about the progress teachers make with their students and their experiences incorporating the vision of sustainable development in their classes, serving as a guide for future action proposals.
The academic staff integrated into the AUDS does not require additional dedication, since it functions as a multidisciplinary, collegiate, flexible and collaborative network that will promote the exchange of experiences, participation in updating events, as well as the publication and dissemination of the results of the activities of its members, taking advantage of information technology and communications.

Requirements for incorporation
- Be a professor attached to a UANL faculty.
- Fill out the registration form.
- Members must access the virtual site periodically in order to stay abreast of the activities and new content posted in the community.
- Provide documents, resources, events, calls and discussion topics to the Network.
- Answer the semi-annual survey to monitor activities.
Technological requirements
- Access to the platform requires a username and password provided by the Information Technology Department.
- Requires the use of an institutional email account.
- Access is only available to AUDS members and is personal and non-transferable.
- Request access to the platform administrator in charge of Eng. Gloria Salas via email
- Have internet access through a PC or mobile device.
- Use an internet browser: updated Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer 11.