Sustainability Secretariat



Education and Research for Sustainability

Educación e investigación

Education and research in sustainability play a fundamental role in the training of future generations and in finding solutions to the environmental challenges facing our planet. These two pillars complement and nourish each other, contributing to the development of a more conscious and responsible society.

The importance of sustainability education lies in the need to create environmental and civic awareness in students from an early age. Universities are ideal places to promote this awareness, as they provide a space for critical reflection and interdisciplinary learning. Through academic programs that include subjects related to sustainability, students can acquire knowledge about global environmental problems, sustainable practices, as well as social and economic issues linked to sustainable development.

On the other hand, sustainability research plays an essential role in the generation of knowledge and the search for innovative solutions. University researchers can address key issues such as climate change, natural resource management, renewable energy and biodiversity conservation. Their research contributes to the advancement of science and the development of more sustainable technologies that can have a positive impact on society.

The essential characteristics of sustainability education and research include interdisciplinarity, collaboration between academic institutions and the community, the practical application of acquired knowledge, and a commitment to social and environmental responsibility. In addition, it is vital to encourage student participation in projects and activities related to sustainability, which gives them the opportunity to apply what they learn in real environments.
