Efficient use of energy
The Efficient Energy Use Program of the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL) seeks to optimize energy consumption on university campuses and facilities by implementing sustainable practices and using advanced technologies. The program focuses on reducing energy consumption, generating economic savings and decreasing environmental impact. Among the initiatives that are part of the program, the promotion of responsible consumption habits among members of the university community, the modernization of lighting systems, and the installation of solar panels stand out.
The total energy consumption of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León in 2023 was 98,719,860 kWh, energy that was mainly used to cover the following needs: air conditioning of classrooms and offices, lighting of campuses and buildings, and the operation of computer equipment and laboratories.
98,719,860 kWh annual energy consumption in 2023
Due to the high levels of energy consumption recorded at UANL, due to the size of its facilities and its population, for more than two decades actions have been promoted for efficient use of energy, among which the modernization of lighting systems with LED technology and the replacement of air conditioning systems with high-tech equipment, the installation of photovoltaic panels, but above all implementing awareness campaigns to encourage responsible practices among members of the university community, in addition to periodically carrying out audits in order to identify areas of improvement and promote the use of low-consumption equipment.

Currently, the UANL has an estimated self-generation capacity of 36,155,638 kWh per year, which are produced with photovoltaic panels placed on the roofs of buildings, and some wind generation systems, which reduce dependence on non-renewable sources, in addition to reducing the institutional carbon footprint.
The energy efficiency program offers numerous benefits at both the institutional and environmental levels. Firstly, the optimization of energy consumption significantly reduces operating costs, allowing for a more efficient allocation of financial resources. The implementation of sustainable technologies, such as photovoltaic panels and high-efficiency lighting systems, reduces dependence on non-renewable energy sources, contributing to the reduction of energy consumption.

Another of the primary objectives of the program is to foster a culture of sustainability, promoting responsible consumption habits and environmental awareness. In addition, by adopting an energy conservation mentality, UANL contributes to the stability of the electricity supply in the northeast region of the country and promotes energy resilience.
All these actions not only improve institutional energy efficiency, but also help position UANL as a benchmark in sustainable practices and environmental responsibility at local, national and international levels.
Sources of energy used
According to a report provided by the supplier, at least 36.5% of the total energy consumed in 2023 was generated using renewable sources.
Additionally, 1.5% of the energy consumed by the UANL in 2023 was self-generated with the use of photovoltaic panels located in different university facilities.
In 2023 the 36.5 % of the energy consumed by the UANL was generated by renewable energy sources
Automated Registration System of Energy Use
Since 2015, the UANL implemented the Control Panel program, an automated system that allows accounting for the energy consumption that university facilities have throughout the year, which is powered by 217 electricity and 48 gas consumption meters. , which generate a database that allows analyzing energy consumption in real time, which allows energy management with sustainability criteria.
According to the Control Panel's annual report for the year 2023, UANL's total energy consumption was 98,719,860 kWh, which translated into a Per Capita consumption of 428 kWh.
428 kWh per capita energy consumption in 2023

The UANL, committed to the environment and safety, operates a permanent program to verify the operation and compliance with safety measures of facilities that use Natural Gas or LP, in accordance with those established in the regulations.NOM-002-SECRE-2010for Natural Gas andNOM-004-SEG-2004 for LP Gas, which has made it possible to detect and correct various types of failures in this type of installations.
Additionally, actions are carried out to reduce the consumption of natural gas, in addition to reducing the risk when turning on equipment that uses this type of fuel, through the verification of the carburetion of boilers and ovens, the installation of regulators in the intakes. of natural gas, as well as the installation of meters with electro-correctors, which allows the measurement to take into account the flow and supply pressure, which has generated significant annual savings in Ciudad Universitaria and the Life Sciences campus. Health.