Sustainability Secretariat



Institutional identity

UANL Community

214,871 students

6,170 administrative

6,894 academics

The UANL provides educational services to students who come primarily from the 51 municipalities of the state of Nuevo León and the states that make up the northeastern region of the Mexican Republic.

In 36 municipalities in the state of Nuevo León, the UANL has academic infrastructure.

Educational coverage

Presence in 70% municipalities from the state of Nuevo León

55 dependencies

80 campuses

12 community centers

Distribution of enrollment by gender

Diseñador Web 52%
Diseñador Web 48%

Specialized higher education institution

Green Metric World University Rankings

UI GreenMetric World University Rankings

1st national

for the 6th consecutive year

15th world

3rd North America


Educational quality

100% of the programs accredited in the National Register of Quality Educational Programs (PNPEC) at the undergraduate and higher technical university level.

73 educational programs at the bachelor's level accredited by national organizations.

44 academic organizations with which we have collaboration agreements.

66 internationally accredited educational programs.

Source: Academic Secretariat and Report of activities carried out at the UANL corresponding to the year 2022.

Academic Bodies (AB)

AB: groups of teachers who share one or more lines of generation and application of knowledge on disciplinary or multidisciplinary topics.

  • 116 consolidated

  • 93 in the process of consolidation

  • 82 in training

  • 291 total

AB that are linked to sustainability issues.

  • 110 consolidated

  • 80 in the process of consolidation

  • 72 in training

  • 262 total

  • 90% of the ABs are linked to sustainability issues.

Teacher recognition

6,894 professors at the UANL

1,429 teachers with a desirable profile of the Program for Teacher Professional Development (PRODEP).

1,116 teachers in the National System of Researchers (SNI).

Qualification of the academic staff

Educational Programs at the Bachelor's and Higher University Technical Level (TSU) by broad field of academic training

Number of educational programs at the bachelor's level accredited by national organizations

Número de programas educativos

Educational programs at the Graduate level

Educational Offer in Alternative Modalities

Educational Programs (PE) at the Bachelor's and Higher University Technical Level (TSU)

University Program for the Elderly

106 students

It offers an alternative training and training to people over 55 years of age to experience a successful aging process.

8 courses and workshops with

133 participants

Inclusion program for students with disabilities

4,490 students enrolled in the inclusion program

The purpose of this program is to raise awareness among the university population about attitudinal management towards people with disabilities, promote their integration and adaptation to university spaces and propose adjustments to the physical infrastructure to allow their free movement through the university facilities.

Program objectives:

  • Promote the inclusion of students with disabilities in the field of upper secondary and higher education at the UANL.
  • Design training, training and updating programs, aimed at teaching, administrative and service staff, regarding educational care for students with disabilities.
  • Plan and coordinate the programs, strategies and actions in academic and human resources matters that are required, to provide comprehensive support to aspiring and/or current students with disabilities at the UANL.

Student population enrolled in the inclusion program


  • Provide guidance and support to applicants to enter the UANL in the process of assigning spaces at the upper secondary level and selection at the higher level.
  • It acts as a communication bridge between the departments and students, with specific educational needs and/or disabilities, to support their academic permanence.
  • Provide training courses and workshops on educational inclusion aimed at teaching and administrative staff. Events are organized that promote inclusion and are aimed at the university community and the general public interested in the topic.


Source: Coordination of Educational Inclusion for People with Disabilities and Older Adults.

Types of disabilities by educational level

Services of the University Health Center (CUS)

235,726 annual consultations and services provided in

6 university clinics located in the municipalities of Ciudad Guadalupe, Apodaca, and Ciénega de Flores.

2 modules of dentistry and specialties located in the municipalities of Ciudad Guadalupe and Apodaca.

1 comprehensive care clinic for adolescents and young people in the municipality of Ciudad Guadalupe.

Source: University Health Center.

Social assistance, community services and volunteering program

14,241 community services provided in 2022

667,209 citizens benefited through social assistance programs

CO2 Carbon footprint

  • In 2022, the Per Capita carbon footprint of the UANL was 0.32 metric tons*
  • In 2022, the UANL's Carbon Footprint was 73,477 metric tons*
  • 2.15% UANL budget allocated annually to issues related to sustainability.

*Calculated using the methodology proposed by Carbon Footprint TM (

UANL funds and budget destined for sustainability

  • $9,424,166,493.00 (MXN) UANL annual budget
  • $202,173,083.75 (MXN) budget allocated to investments in sustainability
  • $121,913,448.00 (MXN) research funds
  • $50,296,040.70 (MXN) funds allocated to sustainability research

Efficient water and energy use program

  • 5.69 m3 per capita/annual water consumption
  • 399 kWh energy consumption per capita/annual

UANL Culture

1,111 artistic and cultural events in 2022.

246,386 participants in person and virtual modality.


  • #1 in student sports in Mexico
  • 19 championships at the National University
  • 16 obtained consecutively
  • Authentic Tigers
    • Champions 2022 Youth League
    • Runners-up 2022 Major League


  • Tigres UANL
    • Four-time champions of the Mexican Amputee Soccer League
  • 41 students in 10 adapted sports disciplines
  • 32 students participated in international sporting events