Sustainability Secretariat



The UANL carries out a day of recovery of natural environments in the “Parque Lago”


A wetland is defined as an area of ​​the earth's surface covered with water seasonally or permanently with a depth of no more than six meters. They are aquatic ecosystems that house a large amount of biological diversity, which makes them one of the essential spaces for human life.

Some of the environmental services of wetlands are: regulation and protection from floods, storms, as well as hurricanes; water storage and supply; soil stability, climate regulation, carbon storage, recreation, among others. Which makes them essential natural spaces for Sustainable Development.

However, currently these ecosystems have been threatened by the actions of man, including pollution, induction of invasive species, ignorance of the importance of these sites, among other negative aspects; This is why it is urgent to carry out actions for its conservation individually and collectively.

In this context, the Sustainability Secretariat of the Autonomous University of León (UANL), carried out, through the Project Development Directorate (DDP), the Day on the Recovery of Natural Environments in Urban Areas, on Friday, February 2 of 2024 in the “Parque Lago” located in the Solidaridad Sector of the City of Monterrey with the objective of raising awareness among participants about the importance of the conservation of wetlands that still survive within the Metropolitan Area of ​​Monterrey.

The holding of the Conference had the support of the Secretariat of Sustainable Urban Development of the Government of Monterrey, in addition to the enthusiastic participation of 65 student volunteers from the Faculties of Visual Arts, Nursing as well as Philosophy and Letters; who carried out various actions to improve the environmental quality of the wetland, including the removal and proper disposal of solid waste, in addition to the maintenance of the trees located on the site.

Simultaneously, two important environmental activities were carried out: firstly, the field work of the Diagnosis of the current state and proposal for sustainable management of the forest capital of the “Lake Park” began, with the objective of promoting the sustainable use of the natural areas with the participation of 30 volunteers from the “Pablo Livas” Poniente Industrial and Technical Preparatory School, UANL; and secondly, the environmental monitoring program was continued, which is promoted by the UANL, through the DDP and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics (FMVZ) in collaboration with the Government of Monterrey, where actions are carried out such as the periodic determination of water quality in situ, the identification of contaminants in sediment, the microbiological analysis of water and the use of plankton, which inhabits these ecosystems, as a bioindicator.

The results obtained from the monitoring program will provide quality and updated scientific information that can be used by the municipal authority and the concurrent authorities on the subject, for the protection of the Protected Natural Area, which will allow maintaining the stability of environmental quality. achieved and preserve this important area of ​​environmental interest for the benefit of those of us who live in the City of Monterrey and its metropolitan area.

The UANL calls on members of the university community, authorities of the three levels of government and civil associations to continue carrying out actions for the recovery and conservation of natural environments in the urban area of ​​the City of Monterrey and its metropolitan area, with the objective of improve the environmental quality of the city and thereby raise the quality of life of its inhabitants.

We thank all the volunteers of the Day for their enthusiastic participation.

Together we move towards building a better world!
