Sustainability Secretariat



The Autonomous University of Nuevo León successfully carries out the Great Citizen Day for the Recovery of Natural Environments in the state of Nuevo León


On Friday, March 22 of the current year, the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL), through the Secretariat of Sustainability, celebrated World Water Day proactively, carrying out a Great Citizen Day for the Recovery of Natural Environments, in four spaces of great hydrological and environmental value in the state of Nuevo León:

  • the Protected Natural Area “Río La Silla” in Monterrey,
  • the Jardines del Canada Wetland in General Escobedo,
  • the Pilón River in Montemorelos and
  • the Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Forestry Sciences in Linares,

where hundreds of university students from various academic units of the UANL attended, such as the Preparatory Schools No. 4, No. 7, No. 8 and No. 16, as well as the Pablo Livas Industrial and Technical School central and western units and the Faculties of Forest Sciences, Visual Arts, Nursing, Sports Organization, Social Work and Human Development, Philosophy and Letters as well as the Directorate of Social Services and Professional Development through its I Am a UANL Volunteer program, accompanied by members of public institutions, such as the personnel of the municipal governments of Monterrey, General Escobedo and Montemorelos, other public education institutions, such as the “General Mariano Escobedo” Militarized High School College and the “Mariano Escobedo” Technological University, as well as different civil associations and residents of the intervened areas, who set the priority objective of carrying out different actions to improve the environmental quality of these “natural water factories.”

During recent years we have suffered significant changes in the behavior of the water cycle around the world, as a result of the effects caused by climate change.

The appearance of extreme meteorological events such as the pronounced droughts that northern Mexico has been suffering for some years now, put the water supply at risk, which is causing serious consequences on the development and well-being of the population.

Therefore, it is urgent that the inhabitants of Nuevo León become aware of the seriousness of this situation, and make the decision to join the actions aimed at carrying out the care and conservation of the natural environments that surround us.

Rivers, wetlands and areas covered with natural vegetation have great ecological importance, because they are the places where water is retained to filter through the soil and recharge the aquifers; in addition to providing other important environmental services such as: being biodiversity sanctuaries, climate regulators, oxygen producers, among others.

From the early hours of the morning, volunteers gathered in each of these areas, ready to contribute with their effort and dedication to the preservation of the natural environment. Equipped with work tools, gloves and a firm determination, they set out to carry out actions not only of remediation such as removing solid urban waste, planting trees or removing invasive species; but primarily to seek to restore the ecological balance of the intervened areas.

In the Protected Natural Area “Río La Silla”, volunteers focused their efforts on removing waste and residue that affected the health of the aquatic ecosystem. In addition, carrying out reforestation work with the planting of native species, thus contributing to the recovery of biodiversity in the area.

In the area of Wetland located in the Jardines del Canada area, in the municipality of General Escobedo, rehabilitation works were carried out on the riparian ecosystem, including the removal of invasive plants and the collection of urban solid waste. These actions seek to preserve the ecological function of the wetland, crucial for the filtration and purification of water, as well as for the conservation of native fauna and flora.

In the municipality of Montemorelos, on the banks of the Pilón River, the volunteers dedicated themselves to removing urban solid waste, as well as clearing the riverbed areas, with the aim of preventing flooding and improving water quality. This work is essential to protect both the population and the environment, especially in areas vulnerable to extreme climate phenomena.

Finally, in the Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Forestry Sciences in Linares, Environmental education and awareness activities were carried out, aimed at both volunteers and the local community. Workshops on waste management, biodiversity conservation and sustainable practices served to promote a culture of respect for nature.

The realization of the Great Citizen Day for the Recovery of Natural Environments in Urban Areas promoted by the Autonomous University of Nuevo León and its institutional and social allies, demonstrated once again that through the sum of wills and carrying out joint work, it is possible to generate positive impacts on the environment, achieving progress in the transition process towards sustainability for the benefit of current and future generations.

Being currently recognized as the Most Sustainable University in Mexico does not only represent a distinctive feature for the UANL, but above all an enormous commitment to act as an important agent of social change towards sustainability.

With every action taken, every effort carried out, every tree planted, every area recovered, the university students and society moved forward in building a more sustainable and resilient future for everyone!
