Sustainability Secretariat



Regional meeting of university student associations linked to sustainability issues


The Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) recognizes members of the university community, especially students, as agents of change capable of transforming the environment that surrounds them, which is why there is a great commitment to providing them with quality education. with a focus on sustainability, both formal and non-formal, and it is precisely in this last category where the actions aimed at promoting the formation of student groups are included, since students who decide to get involved in associations suffer positive changes in the areas personal, social and academic, acquiring a series of skills, such as teamwork, leadership, problem solving, and critical thinking, which has represented a greater sense of responsibility and belonging, which is projected in classrooms with better performance academic in addition to your personal life, favorable elements to enhance your professional development.

In this context, the UANL Sustainability Secretariat, through the Project Development Directorate, carried out the Regional Meeting of Student Associations Linked to Sustainability Issues, on March 11, 2024 in the “Ing. Mario González Garza” from the Faculty of Chemical Sciences of the UANL.

The event aimed to generate a space for dialogue and academic debate among students enrolled at the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, who are part of student groups linked to sustainability, in order to learn what activities promote sustainability in the university environment they would like to do.

The opening ceremony included the participation of Dr. med. Santos Guzmán López, Rector of the UANL; Dr. Argelia Vargas Moreno, director of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences; Dr. Sergio Fernández Delgadillo, Secretary of Sustainability (SS) of the UANL; M.A.I. Luis Rolando Hernández Salazar, Director of Student Activities of the UANL; Dr. Carlos Ramírez Martínez, Director of Project Development, SS-UANL; as well as M.A.E. Verónica Villarreal Sánchez, Coordinator of the University Environmental Agenda and Lic. Octavio Emmanuel Delgado Orozco, General Deputy Coordinator of the University Environmental Agenda, both from the Autonomous University of Coahuila.

Dr. med. Santos Guzmán López, Rector of the UANL, gave a message, in which he thanked the actions carried out by the university community, recognizing the value that these have with direct effects on social well-being and, consequently, that they contribute to positioning the UANL as the university most sustainable in Mexico by belonging to the group of the 15 most sustainable universities worldwide according to the GreenMetric World University Ranking; which shows that all educational actors can participate in the formation of a sustainable university. In addition to offering support to the university community to participate in events or actions worldwide that promote Sustainable Development.

Next, Dr. Carlos Ramírez Martínez, director of Project Development, gave a presentation showing evidence of how student participation is an important inducing agent towards sustainable development, and the different ways in which UANL students participate. in carrying out various actions and projects related to sustainability issues, in addition to showing the events and actions that the Project Development Directorate has scheduled to carry out during the first half of 2024 in order to promote sustainability in university environments, inviting all those present and the associations they represent to participate in these initiatives.

Subsequently, the participation of the following student associations took place, in the following order:

  • Ecoquímica
  • Comité Abeja Ambiental
  • Mecicina Sustentable
  • Filo Verde
  • FAEN sustentable
  • FAE Sustentable
  • FIME Verde
  • Federación de Mujeres
  • Animalia
  • Sociedad Estudiantil de Ingeniería Ambiental
  • CC Green Club
  • SDG Student Hub
  • Clubes de Ecología de la UAC
  • Club de Ecología Escuela Preparatoria 7
  • Club de Ecología Escuela Preparatoria 8
  • Abogadogs
  • Entorno Verde
  • Red Universitaria de Promoción de Derechos Humanos
  • SinergIAM FCQ
  • Club de Ecología Escuela Preparatoria “Pablo Livas”
  • Participación del Club de Ecología Escuela Preparatoria 4

The closing of the event was led by Dr. Sergio Salvador Fernández Delgadillo, Secretary of Sustainability, who expressed that the student associations through the exhibitions show that students are increasingly appropriating concepts related to Sustainable Development; however, he urged that they also of the environmental and economic actions carried out will include social aspects in their agenda, to achieve a balance between these dimensions. He invited students to get involved in solving environmental problems facing the state of Nuevo León such as climate change; as well as continuing to participate in the actions that the Maximum House of Studies carries out to be recognized as the most sustainable university in Mexico.

The meeting was attended by more than 180 attendees from high schools and faculties of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, among which were: members of the 22 participating associations mentioned, representatives of Ecology Clubs of the Autonomous University of Coahuila, members of the Directorate of Student Activities of the UANL, management staff of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences, as well as the team of the Project Development Directorate.

The work of the Meeting ended around 4:00 p.m. on the day it began, achieving the goals and objectives that were set, mainly having made known the actions and projects that the UANL student associations carry out to promote sustainability. in university environments.

By holding these types of events, the Autonomous University of Nuevo León continues to promote actions to promote the transition process towards sustainability, especially those aimed at consolidating communication networks between members of the university community and society that work in favor of of sustainability.

Thank you all for your enthusiastic participation!

