Sustainability Secretariat



Environment Week at the UANL 2024


The Autonomous University of Nuevo León carried out the “Environment Week at UANL 2024” (EW-UANL 2024) within the framework of the celebration of the World Environment Day promoted by the United Nations (UN) for 50 years, in order to promote all types of initiatives in favor of the environment, and over the years it has become one of the global platforms with the greatest reach in favor of environmental causes.

The central theme of the celebration this year was land restoration, resilience to drought and desertification, under the motto “Our lands. Our future. We are the #RestorationGeneration.”

In this context, the Sustainability Secretariat of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, in its capacity as national leader in sustainability, through the Project Development Directorate, promoted the realization of the 6th. Edition of the “Environment Week at UANL 2024” (EW-UANL 2024) of June 3 to 9 of the current year, with the aim of reiterating its commitment to causes aimed at the care and preservation of the environment, in addition to raising awareness among the university community and society about the importance of this relevant task.

The program prepared this year for the celebration of Environment Week included the implementation of 27 activities, of which five were in person and twenty-two remotely with the participation of 1,747 of which 470 in person and 1,277 remotely. In addition, the capsules transmitted and posters on social networks of UANL Sustentable had more than 80 thousand reaches and more than 10 thousand reproductions.

The activities carried out are:

Photographic exhibition “In the Crosshairs of Sustainability”

The inauguration of Environment Week at UANL 2024 was carried out with the holding of an important cultural event: the inauguration of the photographic exhibition “In the Sight of Sustainability”, an exhibition that consists of more than 70 photographs that have winning results in the photography contest that bears the same name as the exhibition and has been held since 2015, in order to promote the participation of the student community in artistic and cultural activities that support the transition process towards Sustainable Development from the UANL.


This important event took place on Monday June 3 at 10:00 a.m. in the Center for Research, Innovation and Development of the Arts (CEIIDA) of the UANL.

The inauguration was presided over by Dr. Sergio Fernández Delgadillo, Secretary of Sustainability of the UANL and the Dra. Marcela Quiroga Garza, director of CEIIDA; In addition, distinguished university authorities participated, including the Dr. Carlos Ramírez Martínez, Director of Project Development, SS, UANL; M.A. Deyanira Triana Verástegui, director of the Faculty of Performing Arts; Dra. Verónica Lizett Delgado Cantú, director of the Faculty of Visual Arts and M.A. Ana Isabel Guzmán Medrano, Administrative Secretary of the Faculty of Visual Arts

With the participation of 50 members of the university community coming from high schools 1, 5, 8 and 23, the Faculties of Visual Arts, Communication Sciences, Public Accounting and Administration, Philosophy and Letters, Medicine and Sports Organization.

We invite the university community and society in general to visit the Photographic Exhibition exhibited at the CEIIDA, which will remain open to the public from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday from June 5 to 28 of this year.

Online conversation "Cycling Cities"

Since 2018, the United Nations Organization proclaimed June 3 as World Bicycle Day, in this framework the Project Development Directorate of the Sustainability Secretariat of the UANL promoted the holding of the online discussion “Cycling Cities” that It took place on June 3 of this year at 1:00 p.m. through UANL Sustentable's Facebook Live.

Screen conversatorio

The conversation aimed to generate a dialogue on strategies to build cities with cycling inclusion from the perspective of various governmental and social actors from different states in Mexico.

The panel of experts was made up of:

  • M.D.P.P.A. Samuel Ismael Terán Padua. Director of Ecology and Sustainable Development. Gustavo A. Madero Mayor's Office. Mexico City.
  • Lic. Jesús Carlos Soto Morfín. Director of Mobility and Transportation of the municipality of Guadalajara and coordinator of the Metropolitan Mobility Board of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Guadalajara
  • Prof. Areli Carreon. Founding member of Bicitekas A.C.
  • Architect Pablo Reyes Cortazar. Director of Sustainable Mobility of the General Directorate of Mobility and Public Space of the Secretariat of Sustainable Urban Development of the Government of Monterrey.

With the moderation of Biol. Antonio Hernández Ramírez, member of the Citizen Organization Bicycle Town and Lic. Libertad Castillo Colunga, institutional liaison coordinator of the Project Development Directorate of the UANL.

“Environmental fair”

This year the central event of the EW-UANL 2024 was the holding of the “Environmental Fair”, a space for coexistence where members of the university community and society carried out an exchange of ideas and experiences about the actions and strategies that can be used to promote the protection and conservation of the environment.


The activity promoted by the Project Development Directorate of the UANL Sustainability Secretariat in coordination with the Sustainable Urban Development Secretariat, took place on Wednesday June 5 of 2024 starting at 9:00 a.m. in the “Río la Silla” Protected Natural Area (Av. Paseo del Agua crosses Av. Del Cortijo).

The environmental education activities were taught by student groups linked to the sustainability of the UANL, as well as professors and researchers from university departments, among which are:

There was the enthusiastic participation of more than 150 students and teachers of the basic and higher level among which are the Madison School, Secondary School # 84 “Dr. Alfredo Piñeyro López”, Environmental Club of the Agricultural Technological Baccalaureate Center No. 48, members of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León; in addition to residents of the area and the general public.

1st Recycling Day at the UANL

The days June 5, 6 and 7 was carried out 1st. UANL Recycling Day having as its headquarters the Research Center for Sustainable Development of the UANL, which was aimed at the university community and the general public. With the objective of serving as a means to achieve correct disposal of waste and protect the environment and at the same time promote the recycling of materials.


On this occasion, various materials were received such as: PET, aluminum, paper, cardboard, caps, expired medications, cooking oil, and electrical and electronic waste.

For the organization and logistics, there was the active participation of more than 60 people, including students and teachers from different departments, as well as student associations, volunteers and companies, among them:

  • Medical Technical School and Preparatory
  • High School No. 2
  • High School No. 8
  • High School No. 15
  • High School No. 16
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Univerde
  • Sonne energéticos
  • Banco de tapitas AC

On the other hand, other university departments gave their support by bringing different materials and properly disposing of their waste:

  • High School No. 4
  • High School No. 8
  • Preparatoria No. 11
  • High School No. 16
  • High School No. 19
  • Pablo Livas Industrial and Technical Preparatory School
  • Medical Technical School and Preparatory
  • Álvaro Obregón Industrial and Technical Preparatory School
  • Architecture Faculty
  • Faculty of Chemical Sciences
  • Faculty of Social Work and Human Development
  • Faculty of Philosophy and Letters
  • Faculty of Psychology
  • Directorate of Social Service and Professional Practices
  • Student Activities Directorate
  • Comptroller General
  • Alphonsine Chapel

In addition, there was active participation from the general community, housewives, independent professionals and companies.

Regarding the quantities of waste collected so far, we have the following data:

Ordinary meeting of the University Academy for Sustainable Development

The Sustainability Secretariat of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL), through the Project Development Directorate (DDP), celebrated the 2024 ordinary meeting of the University Academy for Sustainable Development (AUDS) last friday June 7 of this year in the Multipurpose Room of the Research Center for Sustainable Development.


The meeting was attended by Dr. Sergio S. Fernández Delgadillo, Secretary of Sustainability; and the Dr. Carlos Ramírez Martínez, Project Development Director; and 65 members of the AUDS, assigned to various departments such as: Project Development Directorate, Infrastructure Directorate for Sustainability, Environmental Management and Operational Safety Directorate of the Sustainability Secretariat of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León Preparatory Schools 1, 4, 7, Pablo Libas Poniente and Center; as well as the Faculties of Agronomy, Architecture, Visual Arts, Biological Sciences, Communication Sciences, Physical-Mathematical Sciences, Forestry Sciences, Political Sciences and International Relations, Chemical Sciences, Law and Criminology, Nursing, Civil Engineering, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Institute of Social Research, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics and Public Health and Nutrition.

In the academic activity, as an introduction, the activities carried out by the DDP during the first semester of this year in which members of the AUDS participated, were announced by the Dr. Carlos Ramírez; consecutively, a presentation on air quality was carried out by the Dr. Sergio Fernández, and finally the conference was presented “Site National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) and its consultation systems” for the Ing. Francisco Alvarado and Ing. Luis Gómez INEGI staff.

We thank everyone for their enthusiastic participation and invite you to take care of the environment throughout the year!