Sustainability Secretariat



Technical visits

Technical visits

The Secretariat of Sustainability of the UANL, through the Directorate of Environmental Management and Operational Safety, among its various activities is to carry out technical visits to the UANL offices that are located in the different campuses located inside and outside the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey.

Among the most relevant points that are inspected are:

  • Storage and correct handling of chemical substances.
  • Handling and management of hazardous waste (chemical and/or biological-infectious), municipal solid waste and special handling waste.
  • Location of safety signs and pictograms.
  • Have a contingency plan (brigades)
  • Carrying out drills.
  • Type, quantity and location of fire extinguishers.
  • Have evacuation routes, emergency exits, meeting points, among others.

With all of the above, the UANL, through the Secretariat of Sustainability, aware of the commitment we have in caring for the environment, promotes this strategy to identify dangers and risks that could be present in the work centers and in this way avoid damage to the environment. health, as well as the environment and/or infrastructure, for which different prevention and/or minimization measures can be implemented.

During 2022, 49 visits were carried out, 3 of which were diagnostic (1st time) and 46 were follow-up.
