Sustainability Secretariat



Communication and Diffusion Program

Communication and Diffusion Program

Sustainability Secretariat

The Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) promotes the carrying out of activities that increase the awareness and participation of the student community in sustainability issues, both inside and outside the university campuses. In this context, the Project Development Directorate (DDP) of the Sustainability Secretariat (SS) of the UANL, created the Sustainable UANL Communication and Diffusion Program, with the aim of motivating students, as well as academic and administrative staff to become agents of change towards sustainability.

The Program uses ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) as mechanisms of change, in such a way that social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, are used to motivate the social agents who observe them to adopt, within their lifestyle, the principles, values ​​and tasks of sustainability.

Through publications made daily, 365 days a year, on research results, good practices, advice and news, among other aspects, related to sustainable development, they allow members of the university community and the society to be part of the social segment that supports the construction of sustainable societies.

During the year 2022, more than 1 million 360 thousand people around the world through publications made on social networks and the website managed by the DDP-SS-UANL, which demonstrates the great interest that an increasing segment of society has in issues linked to sustainability.

In 2022, more than 2,500 posts were disseminated through Facebook and Instagram UANLSustentable managing to reach more than 720,000 people who live in Mexico, the United States, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Canada, Spain, Germany, Bolivia and Ecuador. 

Through the channel of YouTube In 2022, more than 200 videos were produced and published within which 41 corresponded to conferences that were transmitted online and 52 to weekly educational sessions carried out in virtual mode and in the case of the Sustainability website ( traffic greater than 640 mil visitas de personas que viven en 163 países.
