Sustainability Secretariat



10th Anniversary of the Sustainability Secretariat of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León


For more than twenty years, the Autonomous University of Nuevo León has incorporated the perspective of sustainability in various dimensions in its institutional policy, highlighting the creation of the Sustainability Secretariat, which has made it to date the only national university that It has a department in charge of promoting policies and strategies to promote Sustainable Development in the university context, involving its entire community.

In this context, last Wednesday, January 31, 2024, the 10-year celebration of the work carried out and achievements achieved by the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) in relation to Sustainability was held. This celebration gave rise to the multipurpose room of the “Raúl Rangel Frías” University Library, with the participation of Dr. med. Santos Guzmán López, Rector of the UANL, Directors of Preparatory Schools and Faculties, Sustainability Liaisons, Members of the University Academy for Sustainable Development and Personnel that make up the Sustainability Secretariat of the UANL headed by its owner Dr. Sergio Fernández Delgadillo .

During this celebration, Dr. Sergio Fernández Delgadillo, Secretary of Sustainability of the UANL, gave an emotional message in which a report was presented in which actions regarding sustainability were mentioned. In addition to mentioning that the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) is the most sustainable Higher Education Institution in Mexico, as well as being part of the most sustainable universities worldwide, this according to the results of the 2023 call for the World Ranking of UI GreenMetric Universities.

Among the activities to obtain these recognitions are the following: the creation and management of the University Academy for Sustainable Development, the AUDS Permanent Seminars that are transmitted through the Facebook platform, in addition to the international course on “Training of Leaders Promoters of Sustainability” which offers continuing education in sustainability for the university community and society in general.

Based on the above, these actions have allowed it to obtain two recognitions: 2019 Ecological Merit Award, in the Formal Environmental Education Category, by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources; and the 2019 Ecological Merit Medal, by the municipal government of the City of Monterrey.

On the other hand, Student Participation was mentioned to promote sustainability in university environments, carrying out actions such as the implementation of monthly online conferences titled "Online conference cycle to promote sustainability in university environments", in addition to the carrying out sessions for the recovery of Natural Environments in Urban Areas, this with the benefit of impacting inside and outside university spaces with the participation of the university community, governments, associations, companies, civil society, among others.

Continuing with another activity, which was the Communication and Dissemination Program, which through the website and social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube of UANL Sustentable, which has the main purpose of motivating and informing university students, academic and administrative staff to become agents of change, with publications on the issues addressed within the United Nations environmental agenda and with the educational television program “Sustainable World”.

On the other hand, the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) carries out the institutional Program for the management and management of waste where activities are carried out such as: management and proper disposal of hazardous waste generated by university departments on all campuses. , Waste Separation and Recycling Program (PROSER), electronic recycling campaigns, technical visits to UANL offices for inspection of relevant points such as: storage and correct handling of chemical substances, location of signs and safety pictograms, among others.

In addition to awareness actions and installation of infrastructure for the efficient use of energy, water and gas on the university campus.

Highlighting that all this is thanks to the joint participation of students, teachers, administrative staff, as well as alliances with governments, civil associations, companies, civil society, among others.

To conclude the celebration, Dr. Med. Santos Guzmán López, Rector of the UANL, gave a message recognizing the actions and work carried out in terms of sustainability, calling for achieving new goals, as well as the importance of contributing to the solution to the environmental problems we face and how all this can be achieved by working together. In addition to continuing to raise the name of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) for the training of high-quality human resources; reaffirming the institutional commitment to continue supporting projects for Sustainable Development.

We thank the university community that has participated in the promotion of sustainability in university environments and its social environment, inviting it to continue in the transition towards a sustainable society.

Remember that you are part of the change towards sustainability!
