Sustainability Secretariat



Sustainable Agricultural Production

Agricultural Production Research Center

The Agricultural Research Center (CIPA) of the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL) is a leading institution dedicated to the advancement of knowledge in the field of agricultural production. Founded in 1983 with the aim of promoting applied research and technological development, CIPA has established itself as a benchmark in the agricultural field in Mexico and Latin America.

The CIPA has a surface area of ​​977 hectares, most of which is covered with natural vegetation, which has been protected, conserved and used sustainably since the Centre's inception.

Sustainable agricultural development offers broad economic and social benefits. It promotes equity by strengthening local economies, allowing communities to be less dependent on imported food and to have access to jobs in the agricultural sector. It also encourages the adoption of modern technologies and scientific knowledge, improving the efficiency and quality of production.

Furthermore, the sustainable approach adopted by CIPA promotes the protection of natural resources essential for agriculture, such as soil, water and biodiversity. By avoiding overexploitation and degradation, the soil's capacity to produce is preserved, aquatic ecosystems are conserved and a balance in the nutrient cycle is maintained.

Located in the municipality of Linares in the south of the state of Nuevo León, CIPA has modern facilities and cutting-edge equipment that allow for high-impact research. Its areas of study range from the genetic improvement of crops and animals to the optimization of sustainable production systems, including integrated pest and disease management, the conservation of natural resources, and the development of innovative technologies in the agricultural field.

The team at the UANL Agricultural Research Center is made up of a number of multidisciplinary specialists with extensive experience and recognition in their respective areas, who work closely with producers, companies and public institutions to ensure that the results of their research translate into tangible benefits for the agricultural sector.

CIPA's achievements include significant advances in productive diversification, synergistic and sustainable livestock farming, and the implementation of agricultural practices that contribute to environmental sustainability. In addition, the Center plays a fundamental role in the training of human resources, since a significant number of undergraduate and graduate students carry out professional internships or scientific research at its facilities.

In a global context of climate change and population growth, sustainable agricultural development becomes even more crucial, as it allows us to face the environmental, social and economic challenges that arise in the design and implementation of sustainable production models, while providing products that help meet the needs of today's society and future generations.

Below are the different actions in sustainable agricultural production that were carried out at CIPA during 2023:

  • Conservation organic tillage:

This is a grain and fodder production system with an area of ​​487.65 ha, which uses conservation practices such as avoiding removing the soil, not removing residues from the previous harvest to serve as organic fertilizer, in addition to avoiding the application of agrochemicals, actions that allow reducing the loss of soil and water and gradually increasing the percentage of organic matter in the soil.

  • Productive diversification (vineyards):

In 2011, the cultivation of the vine was established (Vitis vinifera L.), as an alternative crop for semi-arid regions due to its low water requirements, using different varieties of wine grapes (Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Malbec, Shyraz, Chardonnay and Chenin Blanc) in order to establish a highly productive and profitable crop that can be adopted by rural producers in this region, to diversify or replace the current crops they practice, such as citrus fruits, which require high water consumption.

In 2019, the Tempranillo and Chenin Blanc varieties were introduced on 0.5 ha, and in 2023 the cultivation area was expanded by 1.5 ha, which allowed the addition of two more grape varieties, Shyraz and Merlot. In 2024, the area will be expanded by 2 ha, with the Grenache, Tempranillo and Sauvignon Blanc varieties.

By the end of 2023, the total cultivated area was 4 ha, where, in addition to carrying out cultivation tasks, cultivation promotion workshops and advice are also provided to producers who intend to establish vineyards in the region.

  • Alere Winery

In June 2023, the inauguration of the Alere Winery took place, which was created to promote the development of viticulture in the region, offering technical advisory services and outsourcing services in wine production. In addition, there is the Oenology Research Unit, a space equipped with the latest technology, where researchers and students can carry out research, producing quality wines.

Since the facilities where the wine is produced use high energy consumption equipment, photovoltaic cells were installed in order to generate energy using renewable sources, generating significant savings in energy consumption.




Opening of the Alere Winery: It took place on June 24 during the event,  UANL 2023 Harvest, where the progress of the UANL Vineyard was shared with the attendees, which aims to promote the development of viticulture in the area, as well as seek to attract tourism to this region where they can trust their product to satisfy the needs of winemaking, in addition to being a space with the highest technology, where researchers and students can carry out research, producing and making quality wines, which will be combined in the Oenology Research Unit.

Among the personalities who took part in this event are: Lic. Javier Navarro Velasco, Secretary General of the Government of the State of Nuevo Leon, Mtro. Iván Rivas Rodríguez, Secretary of Economy of the State of Nuevo Leon, C.P.C., Sr. Roger C. Rigaud, Consul General of the United States of America in Monterrey, Lic. Adrián de la Garza Tijerina, president of the Livestock Union of Nuevo León, Dip. Eduardo Gaona Domínguez, MC Coordinator, Dip. María Guadalupe Guidi Kawas, Local Deputy for Linares, N.L., Lic. Humberto Falcón Cervantes, Cult Wines and Mariatinto.

  • Environmental Management Unit

In 2008, CIPA established the Environmental Management Unit “White-tailed Deer Genetic Improvement Center” which is registered (PVSNL-UMA-EX0296-NL) and recognized by environmental authorities, and which has an area of ​​80 ha, of which 5 ha are equipped with corrals for intensive management

The development of this project supports the production of high genetic quality Texas white-tailed deer, through the selection and controlled crossing of the parents for research and teaching purposes, and the objective of supporting the conservation and improvement of the Texas white-tailed deer populations in the northeast of the country. In 2023, there were 9 females and 4 males, and a production of 4 fawns.

  • Research to reduce greenhouse gas emissions produced by livestock farming.

In the field of feed efficiency, CIPA has developed livestock production methods such as the Feed Efficiency Assessment program, which has allowed for a reduction in feed consumption, reducing the production of organic waste and methane emissions into the atmosphere resulting from bovine digestion, through the selection of replacement stallions, by determining the RFI, which has proven to be a useful tool for selecting specimens that present production characteristics superior to those of common cattle.


Forest School

El Bosque Escuela de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL) a cargo del Centro de Investigación en Producción Agropecuaria (CIPA) es un innovador espacio educativo y ecológico destinado a la formación integral de estudiantes y la conservación ambiental. Situado en una vasta área natural, este proyecto busca combinar la enseñanza práctica con la conservación del ambiente y la biodiversidad, además de jugar un papel crucial como una acción de adaptación al cambio climático en la región y ofreciendo un espacio único donde aprender y conectar con la naturaleza.

En un mundo afectado por el aumento de las temperaturas y los eventos climáticos extremos, los bosques desempeñan un papel esencial en la mitigación de estos impactos. El Bosque Esquela ayuda a mantener una parte importante de los bosques nativos de la región, lo que contribuye a la regulación del clima local al absorber dióxido de carbono y liberar oxígeno.

Por otra parte, una meta sustantiva del Bosque Escuela es fomentar la educación ambiental desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria. Las actividades académicas que se desarrollan están diseñadas para sensibilizar a los estudiantes sobre la importancia de la sustentabilidad y la conservación de los recursos naturales. A través de talleres, seminarios y actividades prácticas, los participantes adquieren conocimientos y habilidades esenciales para enfrentar los desafíos ambientales contemporáneos.

Además, el Bosque Escuela no solo beneficia a la comunidad universitaria, sino que también está abierto al público en general. Esto fortalece el vínculo entre la universidad y la sociedad, promoviendo una cultura de respeto y cuidado del ambiente.

Firefighting campaign

As part of the celebration of World Environment Day 2023, an event was held in collaboration with Civil Protection of the State of Nuevo León, aimed at highlighting the actions that are carried out jointly to reduce the expression of risks and impacts caused by forest fires.

Cooperation programs on restoration and conservation of natural environments

In September 2023, a tour of the facilities was conducted in the areas affected by the 2021 fire in the company of personnel from the Ternium México Company, in order to jointly promote the implementation of an ecological restoration program, which included the installation of a perimeter fence along 13 km, the construction of soil conservation works to prevent erosion, rehabilitation of the forest nursery for plant production, reforestation of the areas affected by the fire and the establishment of firebreaks.

Reforestation actions

In October 2023, a Reforestation Day was carried out on a 2-hectare property of the School Forest using plants of the species Pinus pseudostrobus, with the participation of students from high schools and faculties of the UANL, as part of the work being carried out to recover areas damaged by the forest fire that occurred in April 2021.

During 2023, 3,000 plants of the species Pinus pseudostrobus were produced that were used in reforestation actions in the areas affected by the fire, as well as to support ejidatarios or owners who need plants to carry out reforestation on their properties.

Actions and results of seed production for reforestation

In order to obtain seed to reforest hard-to-reach areas (steep slopes) affected by forest fires, in 2023, the production of navajita grass seed began (Bouteloua gracilis) and flag grass (Bouteloua curtipendula), carrying out the preparation of a 10 ha. plot of land, by means of subsoiling and tracking; irrigation was subsequently carried out using cannons, evaluating seed germination and carrying out weed control.

  • Specialized academic events

In April 2023, the meeting of specialists: “1st Symposium on Sustainable Production of Beef Cattle, Mexico, South Africa and Sweden in an era of Climate Change” was held, with the participation of more than 100 specialists from twelve national and international higher education institutions, in which 14 conferences were presented by 8 international and 6 national specialists.

The objective of the Symposium was to share experiences and challenges in the sustainable production of cattle as an opportunity to face climate change from an integrative perspective offered by agricultural and forest ecosystems for the conservation and use of biodiversity, soil and water resources through the use of different biotechnological technologies.
