Sustainability Secretariat



Sustainable infrastructure

Sustainable infrastructure

The Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) is considered the Maximum House of Studies of the State of Nuevo León, and is part of the group of the largest universities in Latin America, taking into account the infrastructure and student population it has, in addition to be the Higher Education Institution that has the largest educational offer in the north of Mexico.

The UANL has seven university campuses where the 26 faculties and 29 preparatory schools that make up its educational system are located.

Five of the campuses are located in Monterrey and its Metropolitan Area: Ciudad Universitaria, Health Sciences, Mederos, Agricultural Sciences and Cadereyta Jiménez. In addition to Sabinas Hidalgo and Linares.

37,994,120 m2 total area occupied by the seven campuses that make up the UANL

37,452,407 m2 total water absorption area

1,083,426 m2 built area

1,080,407 m2 area occupied by planted vegetation

36,372,000 m2 area occupied by forest vegetation

541,713 m2 total area on first floor

99% open space ratio

164 m2 open space area per capita


The institutional policy on infrastructure of the UANL is aimed at building modern and adequate infrastructure to provide educational services of the highest technical and human quality, with world-class quality standards on the issues of inclusion, security and sustainability.

The proper functioning of the physical infrastructure that the UANL has requires a construction and maintenance program, based on the incorporation of standards and best environmental practices in the design, construction, equipment and operation of new properties, extensions and real estate modifications, that consider the application of the following recommendations aimed at achieving high energy and environmental efficiency:

  • Spaces with characteristics that improve the productivity, safety and well-being of the university community.
  • Provision of infrastructure and equipment that supports the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Carrying out various actions to achieve significant energy savings, such as the following:
  • Promote self-generation of energy using renewable sources.
  • Lighting and air conditioning of study and work areas using equipment with high energy efficiency technology.
  • Improve the thermal insulation of the infrastructure.
  • Take advantage of ventilation and natural light to reduce energy consumption.
  • Replacing traditional luminaires with high-efficiency LEDs.
  • Installation of low energy consumption LED screens.
  • Installation of motion sensors in living rooms and offices.
  • Water-saving equipment in service areas in administrative and teaching buildings.
  • Design and installation of green roofs.
  • Increase the rainwater retention surface.
  • Use solar thermal plants to heat water, among others.

95 % of UANL buildings have one or more highly energy efficient equipment

Carrying out all these actions has required a great institutional effort; However, it has been possible to ensure that 95% of the buildings that the UANL has currently use high-efficiency air conditioning and lighting equipment, which generates significant economic and energy savings, reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. (GHG).
