Sustainability Secretariat



Conferences on the recovery of natural environments in urban areas


The growth of cities has become a threat to the natural environments found in or around urban areas. These are fragmented ecosystems, parks, green corridors and wetlands, which in most cases constitute public spaces with positive effects on people's physical and mental health; In addition, it provides various environmental benefits such as improving air quality, recharging groundwater, promoting pollination, mitigating the effects of droughts and floods, conserving biodiversity, as well as reducing the effects caused by heat islands, among others.

In this context, the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, through the Project Development Directorate of the Secretariat of Sustainability, promotes the holding of the “Natural environment recovery campaigns in urban areas”, with the aim of recovering public spaces with ecological importance to improve the environmental quality of urban areas, which can also be used as areas of social coexistence and recreation.

During the period from 2016 to 2022, a total of 19 sessions were held in 8 natural environments located in 5 municipalities of the city of Monterrey and its metropolitan area, with the participation of more than 3,500 volunteers.

The holding of the Campaigns has been the result of teamwork carried out by different social actors who participated voluntarily in its implementation, among which are the student, academic and administrative community of the UANL, public institutions (municipal and state) and private, as well as civil society organizations.

19 campaigns

3,500 participants

8 natural spaces

5 municipalities

Actions carried out during the campaigns:

  • Removal of improperly deposited municipal solid waste.
  • Carry out actions that prevent the growth of populations of invasive species in the intervened areas.
  • Environmental education workshops in order to show volunteers the structure and functioning of the intervened natural environments, as well as the benefits derived from holding the campaigns.

The campaigns are considered living learning laboratories where all participants, from their discipline of study and/or work area, contribute knowledge and experience to improve the condition of the intervened natural environments, in addition to raising awareness about the importance that this type of actions they have in improving the living conditions of urban areas.

Over time, the natural environment recovery campaigns in urban areas have been replicated by various educational institutions, public and private institutions, as well as civil society organizations in the state of Nuevo León, achieving the additional objective of being adopted by society as a good environmental conservation practice.
