Conferences on the recovery of natural environments in urban areas
Conferences on the recovery of natural environments in urban areas

One of the main effects caused by the rapid and chaotic growth of urban areas is the loss of natural habitats, which in turn causes a serious decrease in biological wealth.
Another serious effect caused by uncontrolled urban growth is the fragmentation of ecosystems. The remaining natural areas become isolated patches, surrounded by urbanized areas, which hinders the mobility of species and the genetic flow between populations. This fragmentation reduces the capacity of ecosystems to remain healthy and resilient, making them more vulnerable to diseases, pests and extreme weather events.
In this context, the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, through the Project Development Directorate of the Secretariat of Sustainability, has been promoting since 2016 the realization of the “Days of Recovery of Natural Environments in Urban Areas”, which aims to recover public spaces with ecological importance to improve the environmental quality of urban areas, in addition to being used as areas of social coexistence and recreation.
During the period 2016-2023, 27 workshops were held in 8 natural environments located in urban areas of five municipalities in the Monterrey Metropolitan Area, with the participation of more than 6,000 volunteers.
The conferences are held with the collaboration of students and teaching staff from different university departments, as well as volunteers from public and private institutions, social organizations and society in general, and have become an important reference in the field of recovery and protection of natural environments located in urban areas at local and regional level.
During the Conference, various ecological remediation actions are carried out, such as those mentioned below:
a) Removal of solid waste improperly deposited in natural areas
b) Actions to control exotic and invasive species in areas of high environmental value.
c) Reforestation with native species
d) Workshops are held on topics such as the identification and management of native species, urban reforestation techniques, creation of pollinator gardens, and waste management, among others.
Se realizaron 27 Conferences
En 8 natural spaces
Ubicados en 5 municipalities
With the participation of 6,000 voluntarios
One of the highlights of the conferences is that they are interdisciplinary activities that encourage collective work, as well as the exchange of ideas about the importance of natural areas in urban environments. In this way, not only are members of the university community and the population made aware of the benefits provided by recovered green spaces, but they also create a sense of belonging and care for other natural environments located in urban environments in the state of Nuevo León.
Through the organization of the Conference, the Autonomous University of Nuevo León reaffirms its commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. The institution recognizes the importance of natural environments in cities, not only for their ecological benefits, but also for their impact on people's health and well-being. By encouraging the participation of the university community and society, the UANL contributes significantly to the creation of more sustainable and resilient cities, demonstrating the positive impact that an educational institution can have on its surrounding environment.