Sustainability Secretariat



The UANL carried out the Day for the Recovery of Natural Environments in Urban Areas in the “Río La Silla” Protected Natural Area


The growth that the urban areas of Nuevo León have had has caused an increase in pressure on the remnants of natural areas that they still have, causing their deterioration or disappearance, with the serious consequences that this situation causes.

Natural areas located in urban areas are of great importance, primarily due to the environmental services they provide such as:

  • climate regulation,
  • improvement of air quality,
  • carbon sequestration and storage,
  • moderation of natural phenomena,
  • water collection,
  • erosion prevention
  • conservation of soil fertility,
  • pest control, pollination,
  • in addition to providing vital spaces for flora and fauna.

The degradation or disappearance of natural areas in urban areas causes an increase in human health problems derived from pollution, the exacerbation of social problems and puts urban systems at risk of collapse.

In order to improve the current condition of natural areas in urban areas, the Sustainability Secretariat of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL), through the Project Development Directorate, promoted the creation of a program Days for the recovery of natural areas in urban areas en el año 2016,  with the aim of recovering public spaces with ecological importance to improve the environmental quality of the urban area of ​​the city, in addition to promoting social coexistence and recreation of its population.

To date, 24 days have been held in which more than 4,530 volunteers from the UANL, other educational institutions, as well as civil associations, neighborhood groups and private companies have participated.

In this context, last Friday, September 8, 2023, the Day for the recovery of natural areas in urban areas was held in the channel of the “La Silla River” Natural Protected Area, in the San Ángel area in the portion of the river that is located between Valle Alegre and del Río avenues.

They participated in the event more than 350 volunteers from the following university departments of the UANL and other educational institutions:

  • High School No. 2
  • High School No. 8
  • High School No. 9
  • High School No. 16
  • Pablo Livas Industrial and Technical Preparatory School
  • Faculty of Visual Arts
  • Communication Sciences Faculty
  • Sustainable Bee Association
  • Filo Verde
  • I am a UANL Volunteer
  • General Mariano Escobedo Militarized High School College
  • Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Studies
  • Pro Natura Noreste

The holding of the Conference had the support of the Government of Monterrey, through the Secretariats of Sustainable Urban Development and Municipal Public Services, who provided logistical support, as well as materials, equipment, vehicles and personnel, which made it possible to achieve the originally set goals. Likewise, there were public security and municipal civil protection personnel, who provided support in the area of ​​security and attention to risk situations.

Thanks to the enthusiastic work carried out by all the participants in this important activity, it was possible to carry out the removal of more than 50 tons of waste, which contributed to improving the ecological quality of the La Silla River, as well as eliminating possible sources of pollution that could affect the health of the inhabitants of the area, in addition to improving their living conditions, through the ecological recovery of its environmental environment.

Being recognized as the Most Sustainable University in Mexico, for the sixth consecutive year, by the GreenMetric World University Ranking, represents for the UANL an enormous commitment to continue working on the construction of sustainable environments, inside and outside the university campuses, for the benefit of the members of the university community and the entire society.

Thank you very much to all the participants for helping to improve the world we live in!
