Sustainability Secretariat



Sustainable mobility

Sustainable mobility

The Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) has consolidated its commitment to sustainable development, recognizing that mobility is a fundamental pillar for the well-being of its community and the environment. In a global context where environmental challenges are increasingly pressing, the UANL has adopted a proactive vision towards sustainable mobility, understanding that this not only implies the reduction of polluting emissions, but also the creation of a safer, more accessible, ecological, efficient and socially responsible environment.

Sustainable mobility is not only a global trend, but an urgent need to mitigate the effects of climate change and contribute to the development of more livable cities. In a university environment, where thousands of students, teachers and administrative staff converge daily, the planning and implementation of sustainable mobility policies is crucial to reduce the carbon footprint and promote more responsible transportation habits.

One of the main axes of the program is the promotion of the use of alternative means of transport to the private car, which is one of the largest generators of polluting emissions in cities. To this end, the UANL has implemented several initiatives, among which the promotion of non-motorized mobility stands out, whose priority is the safe transit of pedestrians and users of bicycles, scooters and non-motorized vehicles, adhering to the guidelines of the inverted pyramid of mobility and the global, national, state and local guidelines of sustainable mobility.

The university has also continued to promote the use of public university transport as a preferred option for students. It has optimized TigreBus routes to ensure greater frequency and coverage. In addition, the UANL has launched awareness campaigns to encourage the use of shared transport, promoting the reduction of the number of vehicles in circulation and, therefore, greenhouse gas emissions.

El programa de movilidad sustentable también incluye una fuerte componente educativa. La UANL organiza talleres, conferencias y cursos dirigidos a toda la comunidad universitaria, en los que se abordan temas relacionados con la movilidad sustentable, la eficiencia energética, y la importancia de reducir la dependencia de los combustibles fósiles. Estas actividades buscan formar a estudiantes y empleados con una visión crítica y comprometida con el desarrollo sustentable, capaces de implementar soluciones innovadoras en sus respectivos campos de acción.


La UANL entiende que la movilidad sustentable es un proceso continuo y que los esfuerzos deben mantenerse y adaptarse a los cambios tecnológicos y sociales que constantemente redefinen nuestras necesidades de transporte. Con estas acciones, la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León reafirma su liderazgo como una institución comprometida con la sustentabilidad y el desarrollo integral de la comunidad universitaria, promoviendo un modelo de movilidad amigable con el ambiente y socialmente justo.

