During 2023, the UANL intensified its efforts to promote transportation alternatives that reduce the use of individual motor vehicles, which are largely responsible for air pollution and traffic congestion in cities. Among the most notable initiatives is the strengthening of university public transportation routes (TigreBus) that connect the different campuses and university departments.
The TigreBus system of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) is an innovative initiative that has revolutionized public transportation due to its contribution to reducing traffic and vehicular congestion in a constantly growing city such as the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey.
The “TigreBus” offers students a quality public transportation service, free of charge for users, which helps alleviate the economic burden for students, in addition to reducing the use of private vehicles and contributing to decongestion and the reduction of polluting emissions. The environmental benefits of this sustainable mobility program are significant, since TigreBus helps reduce the carbon footprint of the university community, aligning the UANL with its sustainability and social commitment objectives.
The Tigrebus operates on university campuses in the metropolitan area of Monterrey with the purpose of facilitating quick and safe access to schools and faculties.