Leaders in Sustainability
Leaders in Sustainability

The Autonomous University of Nuevo León is consolidating itself as a leader in sustainability at a national and international level.
For the eighth consecutive year, the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) was recognized as the most sustainable Higher Education Institution in Mexico, in addition to occupying the No. 16 spot in the Green Metric World University Ranking, in which around 1,500 universities worldwide participate.
According to the results of the 2024 GreenMetric World University Rankings, which were announced on December 12, 2024, UANL remained within the select group of the most sustainable universities in the world, which includes highly prestigious institutions such as the universities of Wageningen and Groningen in the Netherlands, the universities of Nottingham in the United Kingdom, Cork in Ireland, São Paulo in Brazil, the University of Trier in Germany, and the universities of California and Connecticut in the United States of America; in addition, it ranked second in the Latin American chapter of this Ranking.
Since its entry into the GreenMetric Ranking in 2012, the UANL has maintained a trajectory of ascent, driven by a deep institutional process of transformation towards sustainability, in which, among many others, the following actions stand out:
- The good results achieved in the efficient use of water and energy programs;
- Increase in institutional capacity for self-generation of electrical energy using renewable sources;
- The construction of the Research Center for Sustainable Development (CIDS)
- The CONECTA-UANL sustainable mobility project;
- Expansion of institutional coverage in the proper management of waste;
- Conservation of natural areas that are under the protection of the Institution;
- As well as the work of more than 200 student organizations at the UANL, which in 2023 promoted the implementation of more than 300 activities related to sustainability with the participation of more than 29 thousand students.
In the area of actions against climate change, the UANL promotes the implementation of the PAC-UANL, which aims to reduce the expression of risks caused by climate change, through the implementation of adaptation and mitigation measures within university campuses, in order to protect their facilities and ensure the continuity of their educational and research activities.
The recognitions achieved by the UANL in the field of sustainability, at national and international level, are the result of the daily work carried out by members of the university community, which has also allowed us to effectively support, within the spectrum of action of the UANL, the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals, the most important initiative promoted by the United Nations Organization (UN) in terms of sustainability.
However, it is also the result of the efforts undertaken by the university authorities headed by the rector, Dr. Med. Santos Guzmán López, to promote an institutional policy aimed at promoting the transversal incorporation of the environmental dimension in their study plans and programs. with a holistic vision, promote the management of a sustainable campus, the application of greenhouse gas reduction policies, sustainable mobility in university spaces, the systematic incorporation of good sustainability practices in administrative and operational areas that are reflected as a quality attribute in all activities carried out, among many other actions; also understanding that the challenge not only involves carrying out actions aimed at supporting the UANL's transition process towards sustainability, but primarily the formation of top-level human capital, endowed with extensive frontier knowledge, capable of compromising its reality and improve it under the focus of sustainability.
The awards obtained by the UANL in the field of sustainability show that the path followed is the correct one and that the efforts made are bearing fruit, which encourages us to redouble our efforts to continue moving towards a more sustainable future for the Maximum House of Studies of Nuevo León, Neolonese society and Mexico.
- Establish links within the academic community that carry out research, teaching and dissemination activities, in the field of sustainability, to facilitate communication, stimulate research, knowledge exchange and innovation.
- Train and update human resources in the field of sustainable development through the University Academy for Sustainable Development (AUDS).
- Serve as a platform for U.A.N.L. student groups working on issues related to sustainability
- Promote social participation in the construction of expressions of environmental culture, socially responsible and democratic.
- Support the training of highly qualified human resources with a vision from the perspective of sustainability.
- Promote research into sustainability issues.
- Establish strategic alliances with local, national and international social agents, to promote the generation and innovative application of knowledge and sustainable technology.
- Design and operate environmental infrastructure policies, programs and projects.
- Operation of an institutional program aimed at promoting the comprehensive management of different types of waste and reducing their generation on all campuses, eliminating and/or minimizing negative impacts on the environment.
- Design and operate the control panel automated accounting, reporting and evaluation program for university environmental performance, allowing the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that the UANL generates as a result of its daily activities.
- Take advantage of the potential that the Institution has to develop clean energies.
- Promote the sustainable territorial development of your campus accompanied by sustainable mobility schemes.
- Coordinate the process of preparing and disseminating the annual sustainability report.