Sustainability Secretariat



Sustainable UANL

Sustainable UANL

La Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL) cuenta con comunidad universitaria conformada por 217,362 estudiantes, 7,013 académicos y 6,369 administrativos, por lo que es considerada una de las Instituciones Públicas de Educación Superior de mayor tamaño a nivel nacional e internacional.

The UANL is one of the best universities in Mexico and the world, due to its educational quality, inclusion, equity, generation and innovative application of knowledge with a broad sense of social responsibility that contributes and transcends the transformation and well-being of society; It has a wide educational offer and great technological production, which favors the training of high school graduates, technicians, professionals, 

university teachers and researchers capable of performing efficiently in the knowledge society, who apply university principles and values ​​and are committed to sustainable development, because for more than twenty years the Institution adopted a policy and the systematic incorporation of knowledge, practices , competencies and approaches to education from the perspective of sustainability in all its study plans and programs, allowing the university community to incorporate the principles, values ​​and practices of sustainability in the performance of all its activities, without said actions affecting its academic competitiveness and its social responsibility.

In this context, and with a responsible and committed position, the UANL created the Sustainability Secretariat (SS) in 2010, with the purpose of generating an institutional, state and national reference body on the topics and problems of Sustainability. that articulates and enhances the talents, resources and efforts of the Institution, to contribute to the construction of a more just, equitable and environmentally friendly society, promoting greater social integration and university-society co-responsibility in the training of its students and in all the actions carried out, incorporating the principles, values, actions and tasks that lead to the care of the environment, social commitment and democratic life among the members of the university community and the social environment that surrounds it.

To date, the UANL is the only university at the national level that has a Secretariat in charge of promoting sustainability in the university environment, through not only education but also action, in order to achieve that profound transformative process that is required. to reconfigure the civilizational process of which we are part.

The substantive tasks carried out by the Secretariat of Sustainability, such as those described below, have led to important favorable changes in the behavior of members of the university community and the social environment that surrounds it, aimed at caring for the environment, social commitment and democratic life:

The primary objective of these actions is to promote among members of the university community, and those responsible for the construction of public policies, the establishment of a strategic alliance to promote the generation and innovative application of knowledge and technology, which allows us to address an unavoidable commitment that marks the complex contemporary problem: addressing the deterioration of our planet and rebuilding the bases of social cohesion.
