Sustainability Secretariat



Efficient use of water

Efficient use of water

At the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) high water consumption is recorded annually, due to the number of users that exist, estimated at more than 230,000 people, and the high demand for the vital liquid, derived from the high temperatures that predominate. most of the year.

Due to this situation, the UANL promotes the permanent Efficient Use of Water program, which plays a fundamental role in the preservation of this vital resource and in the promotion of a culture of sustainability.

The importance of implementing responsible practices in water management at the UANL not only contributes to the conservation of the environment, but also educates and sensitizes future generations about the importance of taking care of natural resources.


Key features of efficient water use on college campuses include education, adequate infrastructure, and adoption of sustainable technologies. Raising awareness involves educating the university community about the importance of water and encouraging responsible habits, such as turning off faucets correctly, reporting leaks, and using equipment appropriately.

The installation of sustainable infrastructure, such as smart irrigation systems supplied by treated wastewater, low-flow faucets and highly efficient water consumption equipment, has been essential to reduce water consumption on university campuses. Currently, most of the green areas that exist at the university receive irrigation assistance using treated wastewater.

In 2022, a total of 1,296,290 m³ of water was consumed, which meant a decrease of 110,346 m³ regarding consumption recorded in 2021.

In 2022, the UANL recorded water consumption of 1,296,290 m³ of water, which meant a decrease of 110,346 m³, compared to the consumption recorded in 2021, which is equivalent to a daily saving of 362,218 liters of the vital liquid, due to the implementation of the actions that are part of the Efficient Water Use Program.

During 2022, a daily saving of 362,218 liters of water

The benefits of efficient water use on university campuses are significant and cover several aspects. Firstly, drinking water consumption is reduced, thus reducing the burden on local and regional supply sources. This helps preserve aquatic ecosystems and maintain a balance in the hydrological cycle. In addition, the adoption of sustainable practices generates long-term economic savings for the institution, by reducing water bills and maintenance costs.

The responsible use of water also has an educational and social impact. Students, by being part of an environment committed to sustainability, learn practices that they can take with them to their homes and future workplaces. The institution becomes a role model and can inspire other organizations and communities to adopt similar measures.

See graphs of water consumption by campus in the last three years.
