Sustainability Secretariat



Efficient use of water

Efficient use of water

In a global context where water scarcity has become a growing concern, the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) assumes a proactive and responsible role, aware of the importance of managing water efficiently and sustainably.

The UANL Efficient Water Use Program is a comprehensive initiative dedicated to promoting the sustainable use of water resources, not only by reducing water consumption in university facilities, but also by educating and raising awareness among members of the university community about responsible practices in the use of this vital liquid.


El programa de uso eficiente de agua permite reducir el consumo de agua, genera importantes ahorros económicos, pero sobre fomenta entre los universitarios una cultura del cuidado y uso sustentable del agua

The program promotes a series of innovative strategies, the use of sustainable technologies, regulatory actions and outreach activities, which aim to foster a water culture that endures and extends beyond the boundaries of university campuses.

The main actions carried out in the program include the implementation of water-saving technologies such as smart irrigation systems supplied by treated wastewater, low-flow faucets and high-efficiency water use equipment; in addition to promoting responsible consumption habits among students and academic and administrative staff, which includes the implementation of educational and awareness campaigns to ensure that members of the university community understand the great importance of this resource and the important role that each one plays in achieving its preservation.

In 2023, the UANL recorded a total water consumption of 1,488,350 m3, due to the increase in student enrollment and the normalization of operations of all university departments, due to the conclusion of the mobility restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic; however, the volume of water consumed in 2023 was less than 1,698,320 m3 This was the consumption recorded in 2019, the year before the pandemic in which the UANL operated without restrictions.

The annual per capita water consumption in 2023 was 6.45 m3, but like the situation that occurred in total water consumption, this amount is less than that recorded in 2022, which was 7.68 m3

One factor that has enabled significant savings in water consumption is having 100% of the equipment used to dispose of water for human consumption (intelligent and dry toilets, cisterns, automatic taps, etc.) with characteristics that allow efficient use of water.

  • 100% of the real estate used for the disposal of water for human consumption has technical characteristics that allow it to make efficient use of water

The operation of the program offers various benefits, including: the reduction of water consumption, which also generates significant economic savings for the institution; reducing the pressure on local and regional supply sources, which helps preserve aquatic ecosystems and maintain a balance in the hydrological cycle; and contributing to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals. With the operation of this important program, the UANL reinforces its commitment to caring for the environment and the well-being of the community, ensuring a more sustainable future.

Taking advantage of alternative water sources

The use of alternative water sources by the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon aims to use innovative technologies to obtain and use water efficiently, through the condensation of water in air conditioning equipment and the collection of rainwater. This program seeks to reduce dependence on traditional sources. The initiative not only contributes to saving water and reducing costs, but also promotes sustainability and environmental awareness. This comprehensive approach reinforces the UANL's commitment to water conservation and the responsible management of natural resources.

In 2023, some pilot experiences of rainwater harvesting were recorded in Preparatory Schools 7, 8 and 20, managing to capture 162.5 liters per square meter, which allowed obtaining a volume of approximately 150,000 liters per year.


  • In 2023, more than 150,000 liters of alternative water sources were captured

Water network maintenance program

Se ha implementado el uso de sistemas de riego inteligente abastecidos por aguas residuales tratadas

The maintenance program for the water network (potable and treated) of the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon ensures the efficiency and quality of the water supply on its campuses. This program includes regular inspection, repair and updating of pipes and facilities, ensuring the continuity of the service and minimizing losses. In addition, it focuses on optimizing the use of treated water to reduce the demand for potable water. With these actions, the UANL reaffirms its commitment to sustainability, resource conservation and infrastructure improvement, promoting a healthy and efficient environment for the university community.


  • In 2023, 66 services were carried out on the hydraulic network (drinking water and treated wastewater) at the UANL facilities

During 2023 6.45 m³ per capita water consumption was recorded.

See graphs of water consumption by campus in the last three years.
